Step 3: Adding your Customers

In this article

The next step is to add all of your existing customers. To get started, let's head over to Sales > Customers

Using CSV Import

If you want to bulk import a list of customers, it's best to use our CSV import system. To get started, click on Download CSV Template to download a file. This file contains all the headers required by our system in order to import successfully.

Learn how to export CSV files from Microsoft Excel

Let's start by looking at fields related to customer details.

Headers Value Options
customer_name Customers name should be the business name/organization name. In cases where the order is from someone who is not part of an organization, you may just use their name. Required
customer_website Website URL should start with either http:// or https://. Optional
customer_internal_notes Any notes that are relevant to the customer. Internal notes are never exposed to your customer. Optional

TRUE - if the customer is tax exempted
FALSE - if the customer is NOT tax exempted


customer_resale_number Optional
shipping_label Two-letter lower-cased country code for the primary contact's fax number. Value is required if contact_phone is provided. Learn more about country codes. Optional

You can optionally provide a primary contact information.

Headers Value Options
contact_first_name First name of the primary contact for this business/organization. In cases where the customer is not a business/organization, just use the customer's first name. If there is no primary contact, leave it blank. Optional
contact_last_name Last name of the primary contact for this business/organization. In cases where the customer is not a business/organization, just use the customer's last name. If there is no primary contact, leave it blank. Required
contact_email Email of the primary contact. Either a phone number or email address is required. If there is no primary contact, leave it blank. Conditional Required
contact_phone Phone number of the primary contact. Either a phone number or email address is required. We recommend using the following format: +1 777-555-4444 Conditional Required
contact_phone_country Two-letter lower-cased country code for the primary contact's phone number. Value is required if contact_phone is provided. For example, 'us' Learn more about country codes. Conditional Required
contact_fax Fax number of the primary contact. We recommend using the following format: +1 777-555-4444 Optional
contact_fax_country Two-letter lower-cased country code for the primary contact's fax number. Value is required if contact_fax is provided. For example, 'us' Learn more about country codes. Conditional Required

Next, you can provide an optional primary shipping address

Headers Value Options
shipping_label A descriptive label for the address. Example 'Shopfront'. Required
shipping_address_1 First line of shipping address. Example '1001 4TH AVE' Required
shipping_address_2 Second line of shipping address. Example 'STE 500' Optional
shipping_city City of the shipping address. Example 'Seattle' Required
shipping_state State of the shipping address. Example 'Washington' Required
shipping_country_code Two-letter lower-cased country code of the shipping address. Learn more about country codes. Example 'us' Optional
shipping_postcode Postal code of the shipping address. Example '98121' Required

Finally, you can provide an optional primary billing address

Headers Value Options
billing_label A descriptive label for the address. Example 'Shopfront'. Required
billing_address_1 First line of billing address. Example '1001 4TH AVE' Required
billing_address_2 Second line of billing address. Example 'STE 500' Optional
billing_city City of the billing address. Example 'Seattle' Required
billing_state State of the billing address. Example 'Washington' Required
billing_country_code Two-letter lower-cased country code of the billing address. Learn more about country codes. Example 'us' Optional
billing_postcode Postal code of the billing address. Example '98121' Required

Create a new Customer

Let's take a look at how to use the UI to create a customer now. Click on the + Customer button.

Once you have created a customer, you can add more details on the next screen.

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