Adding Company Locations & Warehouses

In this article, we will cover everything about warehouses. Upon subscribing to YoPrint, you will get one warehouse by default. Adding more warehouses is a paid upgrade for the Pro Plan which you can do by following these steps.

Adding More Than 1 Warehouse

  1. Go to Configuration > Billing
  2. Click on Change Plan.
  3. Add the number of warehouses needed. The cost of additional warehouse will be displayed on the screen.

Managing Warehouses

Follow these steps to set up and manage your warehouses.

  1. To see, edit, or add your warehouse locations, go to Configuration > Settings > Overview
  2. The default warehouse is set to your company address and will be automatically be set to any Quotes or Sales Order created.
  3. To add a new warehouse, click Add Location and fill up your address details.

  4. Once the new address is added, you must set it as a warehouse before you can use it in your orders

  5. When that is done, you will be able to set your new warehouse as the default warehouse for all your orders.

⚠️ CAUTION: Once a location is designated as a warehouse, it cannot be undone or changed.

Setting a Default Warehouse for a Customer

If you need to set a default warehouse for a specific customer, you can do so by following these steps

  1. Go to
  2. Choose the customer whose default warehouse you want to update.

  3. Once you have selected the default warehouse for your customer, don’t forget to save your changes.

Setting a Warehouse Within an Order

If you need to update the warehouse location on an order level, simply go to the Sales Order page that you need to change.

  1. Click the pencil button next to chosen warehouse location.

  2. You can select your new warehouse from the drop down menu.
  3. Save your changes, and you’re good to go!

⚠️ CAUTION: once the order is published, warehouse selection can no longer be changed.

What If I No Longer Need Another Warehouse?

If you no longer need an additional warehouse, simply delete it and downgrade your plan. This action must be completed on your end.

What If I Moved My Warehouse to Another Location?

You can either delete the original address and start fresh or you could also update the existing address to reflect the new location.

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