Step 4: Adding Pricing Matrix
In this article
Now that your customers are imported, let's configure your pricing matrices. At YoPrint, we define embellishments or decorations as services. Every service will contain a pricing matrix as well as application locations.
Adding a new Pricing Matrix
- Navigate to
- Click + Service button
- Select either a Regular Matrix or Flat Matrix. Learn the difference.
Configuring the Basic Information
- Name - should be unique across all your services
- Allow custom product location - Enable this option if you want to specify the location outside of your presets during sales order creation.
- Product Location - check all the locations allowed for this service
Configuring the Matrix
Primary matrix is the default matrix used to calculate the price when you add this service to any sales order.
- You can use + Type button to add option columns
- For screen printing, you may want to configure the number of colors.
- For embroidery, you may want to configure the number of stitches.
- You can use + Quantity button to add more quantity rows
- In the picture above, any order fewer than 101 garments will be priced at $6.99/ea whereas any order under 201 garments will be priced at $5.99/ea for 1 color print.
- You may use the red trash icon to delete any column or row
Regular Matrix vs Flat Matrix
Flat Matrix differs from Regular Matrix in terms of how the price is calculated. With a Flat Matrix, the price will be charged once and NOT per garment in the cart. To illustrate this point let's assume you have priced 1 - 100 garments at $6.99 and you have 50 items in the cart.
- With a Regular Matrix, the total would come to $6.99 x 50 = $349.50
- With a Flat Matrix, the total would come to $6.99
Secondary Matrix
If a secondary matrix is provided, then the first location will be charged using the primary matrix, and any additional locations will be charged with the secondary matrix. For example, let's say a customer wants a two-sided print, and you typically charge $10 for the first location and $8 for the second location. In this case, the primary matrix should say $10, and the secondary matrix should say $8.