How To Get Quote Approval From Your Customer

In this article

Once the Quote is published, you can send it to your customer for approval. There are two types of approvals in YoPrint: Quote Approval and Artwork Approval.

In this article, we’ll talk about Quote Approval and walk you through the process.

Send a Quote Approval Request

  1. Click on + Create Request.

  2. Type in your message for the customer, then click Email Now to send it to you customer.

  3. The email will be sent to all recipients selected in the Email Recipients section.

Email Later Feature: 

If you’d like to send a customized email for approval, use the "Email Later" option. This creates the approval request without sending it. You can then use Message Customer to send a personalized message with a link to the order.

Approve a Quote

  1. After sending the request, your customer will receive a professional, white-labeled email branded with your company.
  2. You can also customize the email-sending domain for a personalized touch.
  3. When they click the Review Approval button, they’ll be directed to the Quote page in the customer portal.
  4. Once there, they can review the order details and, when ready, click the Review button to proceed.
  5. If everything looks good they can select "Yes, everything is good."
  6. If they need to make any changes, they can choose "Not yet, I need to change something" and include their comments.
  7. Customers can also see your terms and conditions before signing off, which you would have already customized in your settings.
  8. The customer portal is fully optimized for all devices, allowing customers to review and approve quotes seamlessly on their phones or tablets while on the go.
  9. Once the quote approval is completed, you'll receive an email notification and an in-app alert.
  10. If the quote needs any changes, this is how you will be notified.
  11. Clicking on the button in the email or clicking on the notification takes you to the quote in question, where you can also see the approval status.

  12. You can then proceed to update the quote accordingly. Once you’re ready, click on the ⋮ icon at the top right, and Create Quote Approval to send out a new approval request.

  13. Once your customer has approved, you will receive an email and also an in-app notification.

  14. The approval status of your quote will also be automatically updated.
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