How to Add Setup Fees to Orders
In this article
As a Separate Line Item
If you need the fee to show up as a line item in the order, then you can add individual fees when you’re creating orders. Just click on + Fee in the Quote or Sales Order.
In the Pricing Matrix
If you prefer customers not knowing the cost breakdown and also prefer to amortize the cost into the unit price, then we recommend using a Flat Service.
- First, under the Configuration tab, head to Service and Product, and select Service.
- Click on + Service > Flat Matrix.
- A flat matrix charges the price ONCE, and is NOT based on the number of products in the order. Here’s an example of a flat matrix for some screen setup fees:
- To add the Setup Fee to the order, all you have to do is add the Service to the Job.
How the Flat Matrix Works
If a screen setup fee is $14/screen/job, and you have two screens, then the total setup fee is $28.
The setup fee is spread across products. So if a screen setup fee is $14 and a one-color job has ten items, the unit price will be an additional $1.40 per t-shirt. If, however, the job has 100 items, then the unit price will be +$0.14/t-shirt.